Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I've had a bit of free time lately and decided that I'd go to an art gallery. I haven't been in quite a while and the Art Gallery of NSW has Monet and the Impressionists exhibition on until January next year. Being a massive fan of Impressionism I really had to go, I was extremely happy to see that a couple of Monet's Haystacks were included in the show. There are also some of Monet's collection of Japanese woodblocks by artists who inspired him. I also happen to love Japanese woodblocks, art and culture in general so walking around taking in the paintings/prints was marvellous. Apart from the screaming children and old people walking into me and lets not mention the retarded Impressionist merchandise to be found in the store as you leave the exhibition.
Really it's worth $18 just for The Haystacks, go see it!


Ricochet said...

Thought Process In 3 Steps
1. Ooh Monet!
2. Crap it's only in Sydney.
3. Wait! I'm going to Sydney! Hurrah!

I don't know a lot about schools of art but I do like Monet. Thanks for the heads up :-)

Congrats on your fabric, it looks like it would make an awesome tote bag type thing.


Rapscallion said...

Cheers! Happy to help out a fellow Monet fan.