Monday, June 14, 2010


In the 90s I loved a band called Curve. Lots of guitars, lovely vocals, dark & beautiful. I was excited to hear that from Toni Halliday from Curve has some new stuff out. It's called Chatelaine & they're giving away a couple of songs (see below). Totally worth a listen in my opinion, I'll be getting it :)

In case you missed them here's some Curve:

Sunday, June 13, 2010


I had another go at Wordle the other day. This tells me that I really need to talk more about Godzilla! Not that I ever stop talking about him, I do have a Godzilla ringtone, you know :p

Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm in luuuuuurv

While wandering round the internet this week I've stumbled across a few things. Most notably are two artists Jeremy Geddes, a Melbourne painter whose work fill me with joy. Floating cosmonauts (or people) in various backgrounds are amazing.

Then there's Japanese painter Tetsuya Ishida, his amazing surrealistic paintings which are a little bit creepy. But I'm into that, shame he's no longer with us, might have to see if I can get some prints of his work.

The other thing that took my interest this week were these:

Beardcaps! I have to admit to being over the whole "show how manly you are & grow an enormous beard" trend. Big beards just creep me the hell out (not in a good way), a nice trimmed/well maintained one is fine. These beardcaps seem to be the perfect solution, neat & easily removed! Question is should I get one for myself & would it look too weird on me? Hmmmmmm